The Seadoo Speedster truley lives up to its name, with an inboard 240hp v6 Mercury engine driving a powerful jetdrive, this boat moves! Featuring wakeboard tower, seating for up to 5 persons, full electrical and hydraulic steering. The Seadoo Speedster is known for its dynamic hull that turns on a dime. Come out and enjoy a beautiful and safe day on the water this summer!
Power: 240HP | Experience: Tier 2-3 | Speed: 80km/hr Book Your RentalThe GTX Pro series packs a 130hp rotax engine with a intelligent throttle and iBR braking. Its quick, very stable and extremely fast.
Power: 130HP | Experience Tier 1 \ Speed: 60km/hr Book Your RentalThe GTI SE series packs a 170hp rotax engine with a intelligent throttle and iBR braking. Its quick, very stable and extremely fast.
Power: 170HP | Experience Tier 1 \ Speed: 70km/hr Book Your RentalOur kayaks are located at the very beginning of the Ausable River right where the lake meets the river. A beautiful river spanning 240 kilometres (150 miles) long, and features a clam and relaxing experience for avid kayakers.
Total Time: aprox 4 Hours (to the bridge and back)Come Enjoy a day on the beautiful day kayaking the Thames river in London Ontario. Witness nature and the beautiful wildlife while gliding peacefully down the Thames river this summer season.
Total Time: aprox 4 Hours (to the bridge and back)We do our best to ensure the quality of our information and content is up to date and relevant, however if you notice a mistake, please do not hestitate to contact us and let us know. We thank you for your continued support.
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